Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Sunday 17th December

Volleyball beach
Stocking Island, Georgetown.

23 31.212 N
75 45.437 W

We began today with a late cooked breakfast and then decide that we would head over to the Chill & Chat at lunchtime where there was supposed to be an internet café (according to the adverts) and also a pig roast from 13.00hrs to 19.00hrs. Our first disappointment was the bar – it was a run down old wooden shack set up as a bar. We ordered drinks and then asked about the internet café – our second disappointment it didn’t exist! So we took our drinks and meal tickets out to the cooking spot – disappointment #3 – it wasn’t a pig roast as we know them, it was a load of previously cooked pork and rice in bain marie dishes! Armed with our drinks and platefuls of food we found a table on the beach and had our lunch watching ever more dinghies arrive for the Sunday afternoon session. Our entertainment was watching a local boy hand feeding a very large ray which was loitering around the shoreline – so close in fact that it almost beached its self. We only stayed long enough to have one more drink then headed back to the boat for an afternoon of doing nothing except examining my bruise collection – it is growing daily! As dusk fell and the anchor lights began to appear we noticed that a few boats around us have Christmas lights up – we assume that they are planning on being here for Christmas as it is a lot of trouble to keep putting them up and then taking them down again to move somewhere else. Our lights are still safely stored away somewhere on the boat – maybe we will find them before next Christmas!



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